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    [精品分享] 62G【链接更新 内容翻倍 】Cisco Live! 2016全球最大网络技术峰会视频 引领技术趋势,全套视频教程学习资料通过百度云网盘下载 最后编辑:2021-11-16
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    BRKACI-3457 - Mastering Container Networking with ACI.mp4
    BRKARC-2011 - Overview of Packet Capturing Tools in Cisco Switches and Routers.mp4
    BRKCCT-2056 - Contact Center Reporting and Analytics Cisco Unified Intelligence Center.mp4,
    BRKCOL-2612 - Intermediate - Understanding WebEx Collaboration Meeting Room (CMR) Cloud.mp4
    / d2 v. Y, [% a# g. S: P. O2 I9 n4 SBRKCRS-2000 - Intelligent WAN (IWAN) Architecture.mp4
    BRKCRS-2007 - Migrating Your Existing WAN to Cisco’s IWAN.mp4
    1 T! y8 W8 K& y$ x9 TBRKCRS-3900 - Ethernet Evolving - Ethernet at New Speeds, Deterministic Networking, and Power over Everything!.mp4
    * C2 ^  [3 j8 Z7 ~3 ^; Y, W. S8 gBRKEWN-2005 - Securely Designing Your Wireless LAN for Threat Mitigation, Policy and BYOD.mp4
    ) g! X/ ]0 O5 U& A& `% wBRKEWN-2044 - Next Generation Transportation - Always stay connected.mp4
    # V\' J+ X/ H$ {# NBRKIOT-2112 - Intermediate - Industrial Control Systems Security.mp4
    BRKNMS-2039 - IP MPLS Networks Optimisation Services Lifecycle.mp4
    : t3 ?& k0 i* L: j6 K# UBRKNMS-2334 - Intermediate - Simplify the deployment and management of collaboration services with Cisco Prime Collaboration..mp4
    BRKRST-2045 - BGP operational security best practices.mp4
    BRKRST-3320 - Troubleshooting BGP.mp4
    ) G: u\' h/ u! h. `2 M  Z# e6 a; v. d+ ]BRKSDN-2047 - Deploying Cisco IOS Autonomic Networking Infrastructure .mp4
    BRKSEC-2060 - Device Administration with TACACS+ using Identity Services Engine.mp4
    BRKSPG-2067 - Understanding the IoT Platform and its impact on the Service Provider.mp4
    BRKSPG-2300 - Service Provider IPv6 Deployment.mp4
    BRKSPG-2603 - Intermediate - How to Securely Operate an IPv6 Network .mp4
    ( |  I/ Q! A1 V- R3 J  mBRKSPM-2072 - Intelligent Access Network Selection across Cellular and Wi-Fi for Service Providers.mp4
    BRKSPM-2619 - Intermediate - Premium Mobile Broadband - 4GLTE in the private domain.mp4
    + G2 L& }; G: k, A% nBRKUCC-2006 - SIP Trunk Design and Deployment in Enterprise UC Networks.mp4
    CCSCOL-2002 - Allianz Collaboration as a service.mp4
    - x) l9 M\" j9 D, VCOCCLD-2016 - Inside Cisco IT Evolving Application Security on the Cloud.mp4
    : c0 U% d3 w4 I) V1 ?3 E2 uCOCIP6-1013 - Inside Cisco IT IPv4 Address Exhaustion and IPv6 Progress across Cisco.mp4
    DevNet-1063 - Data in Motion (DMo) APIs (2016 Berlin) .mp4
    0 s2 }\" y8 G- Y, mDevNet-1080 - Introduction to Git.mp4
    8 [/ f6 e3 X/ h3 [, F4 Q4 ?DevNet-1086 - IOS-XR Telemetry and ELK.mp4
    ( ^3 c( T9 N3 M( Q7 R9 r, }DevNet-1103 - Developing Applications on Top of OpenStack.mp4
    6 I/ @\' h0 U\" \\# `8 NDevNet-1115 - Infinite Toolkit a Deep Dive.mp4
    INTGEN-4813 - Innovation Talk Collaboration Changing the Way We Work.mp4
    INTGEN-4816 - Innovation Talk DevNet How APIs are Transforming Cisco Solutions and Catalyzing an Innovation Ecosystem.mp4
    ) ~  a6 E  ]7 i$ J5 oITM-2006 - The Value of IT Transformation .mp4
    ITM-2007 - Fast and Faster IT .mp4
    ITM-2026 - Putting the Cloud to Work.mp4
    ITM-2029 - Managing a Global Workforce Remotely.mp4
    / s\" X) j: D2 ^( M& Q. V! ]KEY-1 - Opening Keynote Building a Digital Business in the New Era of IT.mp4
    % a6 a8 o9 D9 l+ F/ uKEY-2 - Guest Keynote.mp4
    PNLCRS-2307 - Don\'t Be Left Behind Consumer Internet Traffic is Shifting to IPv6, Will your Organization Follow.mp4
    PSODCT-2000 - Composable Infrastructure Theory and Practice.mp45 v+ N: u/ q: v: k\' D4 B
    PSOIOT-1003 - Digital Ceiling Bringing IoT into the Enterprise.mp4
    \' i6 W+ b2 o\" oPSOIOT-4006 - IOx – A Fog Application Platform Framework  A Product and Architecture Overview.mp4
    & i; r! |5 {9 s( \\8 f\' h, vPSOSPG-4006 - Software Innovations for Cloud Scale Networking.mp4


    BRKARC-3111 - Deploying Cisco Smart Software Licensing Enabled Products.mp4
    . i/ E7 K* f( e; Q\' t: n9 tBRKARC-3438 - Cisco Catalyst 3850 and 3650 Series Switching Architecture.mp4
    5 c- @0 Q& a7 k+ vBRKARC-3465 - Cisco Catalyst 6800 Switch Architectures.mp4
    BRKCLD-2501 - Architecting and delivering Big Data in Cloud.mp4
    0 A5 W0 b! M$ w# T& G; U6 C1 n. OBRKCRS-1449 - Introductory - Network as a Sensor  Enforcer  Cisco\'s End-to-End Analysis and Security Architectures .mp4.
    BRKCRS-2501 - Campus QoS Design-Simplified .mp4
    3 a, K\" W( H7 `9 @5 eBRKCRS-2891 - Enterprise Network Segmentation with Cisco TrustSec.mp4
    1 j3 d9 X9 {! T$ eBRKCRS-3035 - Advanced Enterprise Campus Design Virtual Switching System (VSS).mp4
    . j\" p0 Q0 x4 `1 B2 G2 ]\' l( B$ C; `BRKCRS-3143 - Troubleshooting Cisco Catalyst 6500  6800 Series Switches.mp4
    ( I4 K  C: {1 O6 G; lBRKCRS-3146 - Troubleshooting Cisco Catalyst 3650  3850 Series Switches.mp4
    . h\" H: x0 D: vBRKDCT-2333 - Data Center Network Failure Detection.mp4
    \" w) m\" r9 m\' F7 u4 u6 BBRKDCT-2458 - Nexus 9000700060005000 Operations and Maintenance Best Practices.mp4
    * c) X; Q2 r\' g/ vBRKDCT-2459 - Programmability and Automation on Cisco Nexus Platforms.mp4
    BRKEWN-2013 - High Density WiFi for Large Public Venues and Stadiums.mp4
    $ D, M- I$ [9 C, \\0 p* \\. ]5 k\" A8 EBRKEWN-2016 - Branch Office Wireless LAN Design.mp4
    5 Z( J9 c4 X# M4 V: p! BBRKEWN-2017 - Understanding RF Fundamentals and the Radio Design for 11ac Wireless Networks.mp4
    # Q\" J6 N% V\' R5 l. |. V4 v& N: VBRKEWN-2017R - Understanding RF Fundamentals and the Radio Design for 11ac Wireless Networks.mp4
    BRKEWN-2019 - 7 Ways to Fail as a Wireless Expert.mp4
    BRKEWN-2022 - Converged Access Mobility Design & Feature Update.mp4
    9 k2 P6 A4 O1 y7 ?\' r) h\" hBRKEWN-2027 - Intermediate - Design and Deployment of Outdoor Wireless Networks.mp4
    % r% ^# g/ w0 W8 o0 x9 |5 F! t+ s( fBRKEWN-2055 - Troubleshooting Local Switching and Authentication on Flex Connect Access Points.mp4
    , i/ W9 q! w6 \\! Y7 w: W. VBRKEWN-2066 - WiFi meet Beacons meet MDM with Cisco Meraki.mp4
    , R* d; t5 n8 Q( z2 u6 `BRKEWN-2670 - Best Practices for Configuring Cisco Wireless LAN Controllers.mp4
    5 T0 `& r/ S3 a\" kBRKEWN-3000 - Analyzing and fixing WiFi issues - Cisco WLC tools and packet capture analysis techniques .mp4
    BRKEWN-3011 - Advanced Troubleshooting of Wireless LANs.mp4
    7 e# c9 t8 o$ fBRKEWN-3014 - Advanced - Best practices to deploy high-A危ailability in Wireless LAN Architectures.mp4
    - t: }3 k  p2 Q& e: z- \\6 N0 sBRKNMS-2658 - Securely Managing Your Networks with SNMPv3.mp4
    / I- a( K& E# H: A# F, b+ uBRKNMS-2701 - How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love Prime Infrastructure.mp4
    & G$ u; k7 B1 _) oBRKRST-2312 - Intermediate - IPv6 Planning, Deployment and Operation Considerations.mp4
    # B2 e3 `$ ?$ j* DBRKRST-2362 - IWAN - Implementing Performance Routing (PfRv3).mp4
    BRKSEC-2057 - Deploying FirePOWER Threat Defense for ISR.mp4
    5 F1 I+ Z! K; q( [  a# FBRKSEC-2132 - What\'s new in ISE Active Directory connector.mp4
    BRKSEC-3003 - Advanced IPv6 Security in the LAN.mp4
    2 d: c! H$ k- H  z( _BRKSPM-2071 - 5G Technology Updates.mp4
    BRKSPV-1113 - Scalable Load distribution solution with Nexus switches.mp4
    6 Z6 t\' Q7 L0 g5 k/ aDevNet-1126 - Detection Strategies with Snort.mp4
    5 z& \\) @4 F2 }DevNet-1206 - An Introduction to Blockchain & De-Centralised Apps.mp4
    PSOEWN-1003 - Enterprise Networks Supporting Digital Business Transformation.mp4
    PSOEWN-1005 - Capture Business Insights with Location and Analytics.mp4



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