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  • 《Autodesk AutoCAD 2013基础教程》,全套视频教程学习资料通过百度云网盘下载

    《Autodesk AutoCAD 2013基础教程》,全套视频教程学习资料通过百度云网盘下载 最后编辑:2021-11-17
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    由Video2Brain出品的Autodesk AutoCAD 2013基础教程。
    主讲:Scott Onstott
    教程所使用的软件:Autodesk AutoCAD 2013

    Autodesk AutoCAD是欧特克公司创新拓展的“一个广度和深度都无可匹敌的产品组合,能够帮助客户改善、实践他们的设计创意”。这款软件涉及到各个行业的具体解决方案,整合了制图和可视化,加快了任务的执行,能够让用户在不需要软件编程的情况下自动制图,从而进一步简化了操作,极大地提高了效率。

    AutoCAD具有良好的用户界面,通过交互菜单或命令行方式便可以进行各种操作。它的多文档设计环境,让非计算机专业人员也能很快地学会使用。在不断实践的过程中更好地掌握它的各种应用和开发技巧,从而不断提高工作效率。AutoCAD具有广泛的适应忄生,它可以在各种操作系统支持的微型计算机和工作站上运行。迄今为止AutoCAD 2013是Autodesk公司发布的第27个版本。

    如果你没有经验并想快速成为精通计算机辅助设计,AutoCAD专家Scott Onstott的这门课程是适合你的。从初学者到自信地创建准确的 2D 绘图和 3D 模型。了解AutoCAD 的界面后,你将学习基本技能并将其应用到现实世界的实践项目。然后,如果你愿意,可以移动向更高级的主题,如尺寸,数据处理和属忄生。

    In this course you’ll be introduced to the fundamentals of AutoCAD and computer-aided design. The contents of this course include:

    User Interface
    In this chapter we will explore the user interface in general and take a closer look at the ribbon and status bar functionality.

    AutoCAD Fundamentals
    In this chapter you will get acquainted with how AutoCAD works and the type of data that it generates. You’ll learn how to get around drawings, create templates, and configure program and drawing options.

    Creating Objects
    In this chapter you will learn how to create the basic set of geometric objects including lines, circles, ellipses, arcs, elliptical arcs, polylines, rectangles, polygons, splines, points, rays, and xlines. In the course of drawing these objects, you will also learn about Cartesian and polar coordinates, and a few editing commands as well.

    Learning to Draw Accurately
    This chapter will teach you how to draw accurately, which is what AutoCAD is all about. You will learn about grid and snap, object snap, object snap tracking, user coordinate systems, and making calculations.

    Manipulating Objects
    In this chapter you will learn how to alter objects in terms of transforming their positions, orientations, and scales, as well as deforming their shapes using a variety of commands and editing modes. You will also learn how to select objects in different ways and how to create rectangular, polar, and path arrays.

    Controlling Object Appearance with Layers and Properties
    In this chapter you’ll learn how to control how things look in AutoCAD by assigning properties such as color, linetype, and lineweight to layers. You will typically create objects on specific layers and they will inherit those layers\' properties, but you will also learn how to assign properties specifically to objects, overriding the properties of layers.

    Understanding Blocks
    Blocks are data structures that help you with representing commonly used symbols and drawings. In this chapter you will learn how to define, insert, edit-in-place, and redefine static blocks. In addition you will design a dynamic block with a custom grip menu that you can interact with once it is inserted into a drawing.

    Accessing and Managing Content
    In this chapter you will learn how to access blocks and styles in other drawings both on your local area network and on Autodesk Seek, a web-based repository of technical drawings supplied by numerous manufacturers of real-world products.

    Using Hatch Patterns and Gradients
    In this chapter you will create a series of hatch patterns, solid fills, and gradients to visually differentiate the different parts of an engine drawing. You will learn how to edit existing hatch objects and adjust their properties.

    Writing and Editing Text
    In this chapter you’ll learn how to use the single-line and multi-line text tools and how to style text, create columns of text, and format letters individually.

    Working with Data
    This chapter looks at attributes, fields, and tables. You will create attributes to store non-graphical data in the drawing, use fields to access object properties and display them in text, and use tables to present extracted attribute values.

    In this chapter you will learn how to add dimensions to a drawing, revealing its real-world measurements. You will be introduced to the various tools that can help you create and edit readable dimension objects.

    Using Constraints
    In this chapter you will learn how to use constraints to limit how objects can be dynamically transformed. This will allow you to explore a geometric form called an ogive or gothic arch. In the end you will create a dynamic block whose grip drives the complex system of constraints with a simple user interface.

    Working in 3D
    In this chapter you will model 3D forms and learn how to nA危igate around and through a model. You will also assign materials, create lights, and produce a photorealistic rendering.

    Creating Documentation
    In this chapter you’ll learn how to use layouts to represent drawings to scale on sheets. You will create viewports, a title block, and annotative text before finally learning how to create output.

    The lessons are wrapped in a feature-rich interface that lets you jump to any topic and bookmark individual sections for later review. Full-Screen mode provides a hi-def, immersive experience, and Watch-and-Work mode shrinks the video into a small window so you can play the videos alongside your application. Also included are exercise files that give you an easy way to try out the techniques you learn.

    System Requirements

    Broadband internet connection
    Up-to-date browser with Flash plug-in
    Screen resolution 1024x768 or higher
    Sound card with speakers or headphones attached
    Pentium 4 2.6 GHz or higher, or Apple Mac G5
    512 MB RAM



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